Homes for Sale
Amberlee living offer a beautiful range of high-quality affordable lifestyle homes.
Feel like hearing more about a lifestyle at Amberlee? Click on this video to hear from one of our many wonderful homeowners.
Homes are selling fast
Our new Amberlee living homes are a real treat and have sold quicker than our team expected. Only one home left for 2020, get in fast to move into this last display for sale!!!
Homes for Sale
We have two modern spacious display homes for you to tour! Our displays provide different colours and layout designs giving you the option to purchase a new display or plan to a custom design and build.
Custom Build
Every home is unique, and every family and homeowner have different needs. We have sites ready to work with you and design the perfect fit for you and your needs. We offer some fantastic floors plans to work with, adding and changing for your own personal needs. Want to achieve that large wardrobe and lots of storage space done! Prefer a large spacious living space and beautiful views, lets pick the perfect location for you. The custom build option also means you can pick fixtures, finishes and colour scheme throughout your home.